21 February 2011

Min fødselsdag - Lizapalooza, Day 2

Today was my birthday! I woke up this morning very early so that I could eat breakfast and actually be awake before catching my bus.

In my Danish class, my teacher brought in flødeboller, delicious chocolate covered almost marshmallow+y but really sweeter and softer stuff that alot of Danish kids take to class on their birthdays. They were delicious. We also sang a Danish birthday song, which was more complicated than The Happy Birthday Song, because it has more words that just Happy Birthday. Later today, my host family told me that there are more Danish birthday songs, too!

And now for about half an hour or so before I go to sleep, I have been chilling in my room listening to my Youtube playlist, and I thought maybe you might want to listen to it, too. Because I like it. And it's my birthday. So you'll like it, too. (Does my Liz Logic make sense to you?)

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