When we were in North Carolina for Christmas, my aunts found a puzzle of Copenhagen at the dollar store. So they got it for me, and we put it all together, and then my pop-pop challenged me to find the picture when I got to Denmark.
Surprisingly, the picture on the dollar store puzzle happens to be one of the most photographed places in Copenhagen. With the exception of The Little Mermaid. So it wasn't that difficult to find. On Saturday, I walked over to Nyhavn, the street the picture is from, and took these pictures!
The picture above is, obviously, me. The actual stretch of street from the puzzle is right across from the buildings all the way to the left. And the picture below is what the puzzle looked like - only it was panoramic, so I think it went a bit further on both sides. And the puzzle didn't have all the cars in it. Oh well.
Nice! A beautiful picture. Keep up the blogging!