07 November 2012

Art on Pinterest

          Let me be honest.  I spend a lot of time in Pinterest.  Apparently, it's fun to look at things.  I try to make it a little more interesting by looking at different categories of things, and today I took the cultured approach and checked out the "Art" category.  One of my favorite things I saw was a set of photographs of people recreating past family photos.  I have seen this kind of thing on tumblr before, but I had never really thought about how much it is an art. 
          There’s always a before and after shot of these – the first an old, faded family photo, usually of children.  Sometimes posed, sometimes ridiculous, always looking like a nineties photo.  You know that quality I’m talking about – the way you can tell some photos weren’t made by digital cameras.  They just look unedited and awesome the way they are, because nobody looked at it immediately after and announced how terrible their face is.  And the second shot is the same people, maybe ten years later so the children aren’t super tiny, and they pull the same ridiculous faces they pulled before and it’s just hilarious because they usually don’t fit that role.  Like, crying three year old was cute, but thirteen year old is super funny. 
          I like the idea of people recreating the past – it’s the idea of nostalgia as a type of homesickness, and the past is a destination we try to reach.  In my life right now, I’ve been trying to think of ways to move forward – much like a favorite winning presidential candidate – and these photos are a reminder that the past is also a nice place to go.  There are things that shouldn’t work like they did in the past but there are things that definitely should.