10 April 2011

I went to France

I'm going to be honest. Chances of me writing long, detailed blog posts of what I did on my study tour to France are slim. While I was on that trip, at least until we got to Paris, I made a list entitled "Potential Blog Posts." Instead of letting these blog posts reach their full potential, I'm going to type them up here for you.
  • Feeling like Harry Potter on my way to catch the bus (It was kind of dark outside, and I was pulling my suitcase down the street and nobody was around. Like that scene after Harry inflates Aunt Marge. Except that a suitcase is easier to pull than a trunk. And I was on my way to France.)
  • Ordering "2 scrambled eggs" gets you "2 ham and egg plates." In case you ever need to order breakfast at a truck stop in Luxembourg.
  • Went to Verdun. Saw the battlefield.
  • While in a restaurant in Verdun, we met a couple that owns a resort in Minnesota. They recommended a piano bar in Paris that we didn't end up visiting.
  • The actual town of Verdun is so small - my friend Devika and I went walking in the morning to see the church and the World Center for Peace.
  • First French croissant!
  • Saw 3 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Reims
  • Champagne. It was pretty good.
  • Flaming Creme Brulee!

09 April 2011

Shocking news, guys

So a lot of the blogs I like (well, not alot, but, like, one) are doing Blog Every Day in April. In case you haven't noticed, I will not be doing that. What I will be doing is leaving Copenhagen on Monday for, like, two weeks of awesome vacation. . . so I thought I'd maybe give you a few tidbits of information, since I haven't done that in just about forever.

Last weekend I watched a movie with my host brother. And I assumed that, since his parents weren't home and we were watching a movie while eating pizza and drinking soda, that we would sit on the couch. No. We ate at the table. My host brother used a knife and fork. I am constantly being shown up in the table manners department by a 6th grade boy.

And I went to the Opera this past month with my Danish class and some friends and I went to McDonald's for dinner beforehand. We thought that a classy night out deserved a classy meal - and it was fun to see how Danish McDonalds are different than American McDonalds. Brace yourselves for this information, guys: Danish McDonalds is not as greasy. There is still grease involved. It's just not making the fries soggy or overpowering the pickles on the hamburger. I also got a strawberry milkshake. Which was freaking amazing. Probably has something to do with using real ingredients or something. I don't know. Oh, and you have to pay for ketchup at Danish McDonalds.

I wrote two papers for the past week. One was about how Baudelaire discussed the architectural changes Haussmann made to Paris in the mid to late 1800s. And the other was comparing two development projects in Sierra Leone by Children of the Nations and the United States Agency for International Development.

Today, I went grocery shopping with my host dad. My host parents are really organized, so they have a list every week of what we will be having for dinner and what they need to buy for it. So tonight, we're having Paris Beef. Which is delicious. And involves beef. Of the ground variety. Which took us four grocery stores to find.